Mac, not PC

Macs are just better than PC's in many ways such as the reliability, quality and appearance. They are much easier to use than a PC for example if a PC gets an error it just freezes and displays error messages with complex codes, however on a Mac if there is an error it tells you what has happened and how to fix it (if it gets an error at all).

Mac's come with software that is simple and easy to use whereas on a PC it comes with all this junk that is complicated and ends up screwing up your computer anyway. On a Mac, all the files for an application are in one single file, or a package in other terms while a PC you have files scattered all over the place.

With a Mac, all the software, Operating System and most of the hardware is all made by the same company, Apple. With an iMac, the monitor and the computer are one, which makes it easier to set-up. You can even run windows on a Mac and still have Mac OS X running. Macs are also fool proof, which means you cannot tamper with vital setting unless completely necessary.

Mac can't get PC viruses because they come default with anti-virus software built in, and there aren't many Mac viruses that people make.

Overall, Macs are just perfect for what you need one for, no matter what the nature is.