Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Internet address shortage

Every internet connected item in the world has its own unique identifier called an IPv4 (Internet Protocol) address.

No two devices have the same IPv4 address. But, there is a problem, there are only about 4 billion IPv4 addresses in the world and almost all of them are used up, there are only 232 million left and with the growing population of computers and mobile phones, all of the IPv4 addresses will be gone in under a year. That is why some internet experts created a new identifier, IPv6. IPv6 is a much longer IP address and will be able to accommodate TRILLIONS of IP addresses for EACH person.

To give you an idea, an IPv4 address looks like this: "" and an IPv6 address looks like this: "2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7334" , it is much longer and the world will never run out of IPv6 addresses. Although; the switch is proving quite difficult as some ISP's are reluctant to make the switch to IPv6 as it is quite difficult. This can cause a problem as the world's internet could ground to halt, it could be like another Y2K where it could have caused mayhem worldwide. Most internet companies are making the switch.

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iPad not so cool

Keeping cool is getting hard for Apple's iPad. there have been accounts where iPad's have shut down and said "iPad needs to cool down before you can you it" when used in direct sunlight. One person is suing Apple because their iPad does not live up to their expectations. The normal operating temperature is 0° to 35° C but when put in sunlight it overheats which has caused many problems for new iPads.

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